For a targeted search for specific data records, a separate search area has been built into ennoxx. This can be found in the lower part of the navigation in the group "Search":

After clicking on a navigation point in the search area, a dialog opens in which you can make a record filtering in order to limit your search accordingly (see the following example, in which all EBICS orders with the order type CCT, in the status "Successful" and in the period between 01.02.2019 and 15.02.2019 are to be searched). By the way, the last filtering made is remembered by the application per user.

If the search result would contain more than 1,000 data records, a note appears for performance reasons that you should limit your search even further. If you still want to perform the search with this result set, you can do this by checking the "Perform search regardless of result set" box.

The search result is displayed to the user in a list view after clicking "OK":
